clean your Solar Panels
clean panels = $$$ in your pocket...
Mostly solar power panels are installed on the rooftops or are installed on huge mounting structures if they are installed on ground. These panels are most affected by the natural elements and the ever changing weather. Dust, dirt and other particulate matter are always present in our surrounding air here in Dufferin, Peel & Wellington Counties.
Some of this dust and dirt will eventually settle on your prized solar panel as the movement in the air reduces. Moisture adds up to the woes caused by the settled dust. As moisture gets accumulated dust gets attracted on the moist surface of the panel. The occasional bird bombs and insects are some of the unseen reasons as to why your solar panels need maintenance.
Studies show that cleaning panels can literally double energy output overnight. Often, their output instantly increases by between 20-40 percent. In fact, cleaning your panels is the #1 way to maximize the energy they produce. As a result, you should add cleaning your solar panels to your Spring and Fall cleaning checklist - and the math makes it a 'no brainer' to hire us - the professionals!